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PVsyst 7.4 (26/06/2023)

New features:

- Meteo import: possibility to import 3E TMY hourly data in Import in known format
- Optimizer: implemented Sungrow optimizers, with sizing constraints (inverters allowed, limits on the number in series, etc.) and update of the help
- Trackers: wind stow position for tilted axis and horizontal North-South trackers.


- Databases: significant updates of pumps, controllers, batteries, PV modules, inverters and optimizers (SolarEdge)
- Electrical shadings, partitions model and unlimited orientations: improvement of the model. This improvement may lead to changes in the electrical shading losses and simulation results
- Electrical shadings, partitions model: more detailed treatment of the effect of shades on the bottom row of PV cells. Simulation results from the calculation in partitions, or "according to strings", may change. The help pages have been updated accordingly
- Meteo: NREL NSRDB TMY import is now available for Asia, Australia and Pacific
- Shadings: modules are now displayed in the field edition dialog even if the sizing is defined "By sensitive area"
- Simulation: batch mode now handles the use of column separators in text fields of parameter files
- Simulation: in the batch mode it is now possible to avoid overwriting existing parameter files
- Spectral correction: improved messages to user, if spectral correction model cannot be applied.


- Backtracking: when importing a new scene, the automatic backtracking parameters are now adapted accordingly
- Backtracking: backtracking table width is not overestimated by adding the inactive frames anymore
- Backtracking: frames are now handled correctly for north-south and tilted axis trackers
- Bifacial systems: loss diagram in detailed result is now coherent with the one in the report
- Economic evaluation: displayed energy production is now correct
- Economic evaluation: quantity for batteries in investment costs is now correct when using Universal Batteries
- Losses: the loss diagram is now displayed correctly for systems with storage and weak grid islanding
- Module layout: during simulation, securing the calculation of electrical shadings when the PV module submodules layout is not defined
- PV components: the reordering of points in the "Measured low-light data" sub tab no longer causes crashes
- PV components, battery definition dialog: several little dialog errors, like the edition of the number of cycles, have been resolved
- Report: inactive band values are now consistent with orientation and 3D scene
- Report: the report is now refreshed when changing details of client or author in the options
- Results: the vertical scrollbar of hourly graphs now works properly for leap years
- Shadings: importing PVC files with PV tables having a tilt of 90° now works properly
- Shadings: compound objects of "building" type can now be transformed into ground objects
- Shadings: PVsyst doesn't crash anymore when loading a project containing a ground image with wrong file format
- Shadings: module spacing set in PVC files is now taken into account when imported into PVsyst
- Shadings: modules in polygonal fields are now correctly displayed
- Shadings: importing very large H2P files doesn't crash PVsyst anymore
- Shadings: PVsyst doesn't crash anymore and displays an error message when trying to import a ground data CSV file with the wrong format
- Simulation, batch mode: when using bifacial trackers all geometrical parameters are again accessible
- System: in the bifacial window, when using tracker systems, the sun position at sunrise and the plots 'beam on ground' and 'global on ground' have been corrected
- System: PVsyst doesn't crash anymore when accessing "power sharing" with an empty subarray
- Trackers: processing of the central gap, which is editable from the tracker's dialog, is now secure
- Translation: keyboard function key now works in the project window even if it has been used in the home window
- Workspace: importing variants with empty subarray list doesn't crash anymore.

Patch 7.4.1 - 22/08/2023


- Databases update
- Report: added mode (fast or slow) used for the simulation of shadings
- Shadings: showing/hiding the axes, grid and cardinal points can now be performed from the toolbar.


- Aging tool: after a simulation, the index for the simulation year is now displayed correctly in the loss diagram
- Circuit, single-line diagram: cable length remains displayed after zooming
- Economic evaluation: depreciation parameters are not lost anymore after running the simulation
- Hourly parameters: PVsyst doesn't crash anymore when reentering the window
- Project, energy management: messages notifying changes are now correctly managed
- Report: it's no longer possible to print the report without any page
- Report: monthly results table columns selection is now correctly saved
- Results: the header of the output file is now correct for monthly files
- Results, output file: for grid storage systems the values of the variable "ESOCBal" are now non-zero
- Shadings scene: azimuth field is now updated in the allowed range when using rotation tool
- Shadings: the azimuth is now updated as soon as the mouse button is released on the rotation tool
- Shadings: the rotation arrow "gizmo" is now updated correctly after a rotation
- Shadings, import of DAE and PVC files: the lists of polygons, the units and the overlapping faces are now handled correctly
- Shadings: the edition of central gap field for trackers is now correctly managed
- Shadings: correction of the error message displayed when a big central gap for trackers induces a null sensitive area
- Shadings: the popup menu is now displayed properly when we right click on an object
- Shadings: the module layout is now properly displayed for all rectangular PV planes
- Shadings: when drawing triangle with pencil tool, the rotation in plane value does not go out of bounds anymore
- Shadings: when editing a single PV table, the table's height and length units are now displayed
- System: filling the MPPT's with different module quantities does not crash anymore
- System, grid limitation: very small values for the grid limitation do not cause any more infinite loops
- Settings: added a preference to turn off the system beep.

Patch 7.4.2 - 31/08/2023


- Electrical shadings, unlimited sheds and trackers: updated labels.


- Batch mode: fixed missing icons in batch mode (error specific to 7.4.1)
- Bifacial trackers: axis azimuth in the backside irradiance model is now correct
- Optimizer, Sungrow: the voltage limitation (Voc at TMin) is now taken into account when designing strings
- Report: the simulation variables "Energy injected into grid" and "Performance Ratio" are again displayed by default in the report (error specific to 7.4.1)
- Report: opening the report on Windows 7 no longer causes crashes (error specific to 7.4.1)
- Shadings: when importing a 3D file with PV tables having a base slope, PVsyst now chooses the orientation with the best azimuth in case the longest edge and the edge with the lowest altitude are not the same
- Shadings: shading factor tables now remain valid if no changes have been made to the shading scene
- Simulation: PVsyst doesn't crash anymore when running a simulation with measured data for an incomplete month.

Patch 7.4.3 - 03/11/2023

New features:

- Optimizers, Huawei: implementation of the specific design rules established by Huawei with the specific associated inverters to each optimizer
- Optimizers, Huawei: implementation of an editable list of inverters including strings and a long string strategy by voltage reduction.


- Meteo, Solargis Import: the new comma format is now supported
- Shadings: new transformation actions added in the contextual menu of scene objects
- Simulation: in batch mode, it is now possible to change the site and the meteorological file at the same time
- Stand-alone systems: deep revision of the simulation process, which may lead to slightly different results
- Stand-alone systems: cases of very high user loads values or back-up generator power value are now handled correctly
- Stand-alone systems: improved presentation of results in the loss diagram including battery charge and discharge information and E_Solar variable.


- Bifacial systems: the number of rows is now correctly taken into account in the calculation of the diffuse contribution coming from the sky and arriving at the rear side. This corrects the results for vertical bifacial systems with a small number of rows
- Bifacial systems: the time zone of a site in a variant is now checked when the site is assigned in the bifacial window. The case where the time zone is wrong is now handled correctly
- Circuit: in the one-line diagram, the subarray names are now updated when they are renamed
- Economic evaluation: displayed self-consumption value is now correct
- Economic evaluation: the decimal precision of the feed-in tariff is now correct when opening a previously saved variant
- Grid system with storage: revision of the proposed default values, namely for the number of batteries
- Grid system with storage: the help button linked to the CSV file selection now displays the help page
- Losses: MV line ohmic losses are now calculated correctly also when using multiple sub-arrays
- Losses, FirstSolar spectral correction: PVsyst is now correctly handling module names that do not follow the naming rules
- Losses: medium voltage line information panel is now correctly updated
- Meteo: a date error does no longer appear when exporting certain meteorological files
- Meteo, Solargis meteorological file import: file reading is now more robust
- Meteo, Solargis meteorological file import: data at UTC+12 locations can now be imported correctly
- Optimizers, AMPT: voltage calculation is now correct and no longer causes errors during simulation
- PV modules: cell dimensions are now correctly written on file
- Report: the monthly value of the energy from the sun in now available in the report options for suitable projects
- Report, backtracking: the parameter determination mode is now displayed
- Results, storage systems with "peak shaving" strategy: the variable "EUnusedEnergy" is not reset anymore when entering the advanced simulation dialog. This was giving errors for the energy dispatch balance
- Shadings: when importing a 3D file with PV tables having a base slope, the user can now choose the way the orientation is created (according to the longest edge or according to the best azimuth)
- Shadings: ground objects are now correctly moved when switching between building reference and geographic reference
- Shadings: the "show modules strings" button in the shadings scene is now correctly disabled if module layout is not properly defined
- Shadings: field interpenetration detection now also works correctly for minimum table spacing values
- Shadings: shadows cast by faces with many vertices are now handled correctly
- Shadings: it is now possible to define more precisely the direction of the trackers axis when importing DAE files
- Shadings: creating a table with the pencil tool selected no longer generates errors
- Shadings: dimension tolerance used to detect that an imported object is a rectangular PV table has been increased
- Shadings: shading factor graph is now correctly displayed for tracking fields
- Simulation, batch mode: transformer losses are now expressed as ratios rather than percentages in EXCEL
- Stand-alone systems: the control thresholds are now saved with the variant in all cases
- Storage, peak shaving dialog: the daily overload shown is now also correct when several subarrays are used
- System, inverter power sharing: an incorrect error message no longer appears when the system has both central inverters and inverters with power sharing
- Trackers, wind stow angles: negative angle values are now correctly treated
- Trackers, wind stow: changes are now recognized in orientation window.

Patch 7.4.4 - 13/11/2023

Corrections of errors specific to 7.4.3:

- Circuit: updating subarray names no longer causes crashes
- Meteo: SolarAnywhere meteo import is working again
- Optimizers: PVsyst doesn't crash anymore when adding a Huawei optimizer to an existing project
- System: PVsyst doesn't crash anymore when having multiple subarrays, some with a Huawei optimizer and some without.

Patch 7.4.5 - 08/12/2023

New features:

- Meteo: Solargis API TMY available amongst other options at site creation.


- Databases update
- Meteo: more details are now displayed when importing weather data from a CSV file with many errors
- Shadings: when importing a PVC file in the southern hemisphere the 180° rotation is no longer checked by default.


- Grid limitation: the simulation now correctly dispatches grid limitation losses when the MPP without limitation is below the inverter minimum voltage
- Optimizers: simulation does not crash anymore when using Huawei optimizers in some conditions
- Shadings: PVsyst now handles properly "phi min" and "phi max" when importing trackers from a PVC file
- Simulation, orientation power sharing: when selecting the orientation power sharing option, the sub-arrays are now correctly balanced during the simulation. This will change the simulation results compared to previous versions
- Trackers: the maximum differences in azimuth and tilt of trackers axes are now properly handled for an average orientation
- Tools: import of custom meteo file containing incorrect date format does not crash PVsyst anymore
- Tools: PVsyst doesn't crash anymore when unselecting a variable in the measured data tool.

Patch 7.4.6 - 19/03/2024


- Backtracking: user is now warned whenever average GCR is not equal to GCR used for the backtracking algorithm
- Bifacial: in the plots of the parametric studies the calculation resolution has been increased, and now the 'Global on ground' shows the dependance on 'height on ground' correctly
- Components databases update
- Grid storage: refactoring of grid storage model to better support oversized and undersized batteries. Improvement of the state of charge (SOC) management
- Meteo, Meteonorm file import: data from high-latitude sites containing many entries with irradiance values of zero can now be imported without error
- Shadings, polygonal PV tables: whenever a PV table is non-rectangular, bottom cell effects are no longer applied to the electrical shading calculation.


- Bifacial: the bifacial factor of the PV module is now considered when computing the rear mismatch loss
- Circuit, single line diagram: the nominal AC power for multi-MPPT inverters is now displayed correctly
- Circuit, single line diagram: sub-arrays with power sharing and non-uniform MPPT configuration are now handled
- Economic evaluation: the simulation no longer changes the quantity of support structures defined by the user
- Losses, unavailability: random periods are no longer modified after they have been defined
- Meteo file import: the input value of the 'field No' column is now limited when importing a custom CSV file
- Module Layout: the tooltip showing the inverter, MPPT and string information corresponds now to the list of string attributions
- Optimizers, Huawei SUN2000: it is now possible to define two strings per MPPT
- Project: creating two variants successively without saving the first one is now correctly managed
- PV components: reading of PAN file no longer modifies Rserie and Rshunt values
- Report: auxiliary losses: displayed unit for inverter output power threshold is now correct
- Results: in the ASCII output files the variable FIAMShd has now the correct values
- Shadings: PVsyst does not crash anymore when importing a DAE file after creating a zone
- Shadings: users can now choose an East/West orientation for all the PV tables imported through a DAE or PVC file
- Simulation: the results table window does not crash anymore while dragging parameters
- Simulation, CPV: removed a small inaccuracy in angle of incidence calculation, which was leading to very large focal losses
- Simulation: the MV ohmic loss is now computed correctly also when the MV transformers are defined by subarrays (special conditions)
- Simulation, optimization tool: when the simulation fails, the displayed error is not 'Scan aborted by user' anymore but a list of errors
- Simulation, energy management: inverter temperature options are now handled properly
- Simulation, self-consumption without grid injection: the unused energy is now properly considered
- Simulation, batch mode and optimization tool: the tilt and azimuth can now be varied in simulations with averaged orientations
- System: selecting an invalid PV module no longer causes PVsyst to crash
- System: a sub-array that uses power sharing and where the option 'use multi-MPPT feature' is switched off then back on, is now treated correctly
- Trackers: MET files defined in solar time are now properly handled
- Trackers with shadings: the partition model for electrical shading losses now considers the bottom row of cells
- Translations: PVsyst does not crash anymore at startup when the language file could not be read
- Workspace: PVsyst doesn't crash anymore when exporting a project in some specific scenarios.

Patch 7.4.7 - 23/05/2024


- Databases update.


- Circuit, single line diagram: PVsyst does not crash anymore when displaying the inverter name in some configurations
- Grid storage, peak shaving: the "EUnused" loss is now accounted for correctly
- License: reading identifiers on some specific computer configurations no longer causes crashes (specific V7.4.6)
- Losses: the MV line ohmic loss is now correct when several transformers are defined (specific V7.4.6)
- Module layout: tables are no longer moving when performing string attributions
- Module layout: PVsyst no longer freezes when opening the module layout for large systems
- Module layout: all orientations are now available for electrical attribution when using Huawei inverters
- Module layout: tables are not hidden by others anymore
- Optimizers, Huawei: simulation now runs faster with large systems
- Optimizers, Sungrow: the aging tool now works correctly
- Shadings: sliding a row within the zone tool is now working properly
- Shadings: a spurious input field when creating a 4-sided roof object has been removed
- Shadings: when importing a PVC file with trackers, the axis now always follows the orientation choice of the user
- Simulation, stand alone: the calculation of the missing energy value "E_Missing" is now correct when there is no backup generator
- Simulation, stand alone: the loss below the minimum voltage of the controller is now correctly accounted for
- Tutorial: a new PDF tutorial was added: "3D Procedures: Ground and Topography".

Patch 7.4.8 - 18/07/2024


- Databases update.
- Tutorial: a new PDF tutorial was added: "Pseudo-sub-hourly simulation".

PVsyst 7.3 (19/12/2022)

New features:

- Meteo: access to Meteonorm data 8.1
- Trackers: new diffuse shading definition tool
- System: new tool that allows viewing the PV module strings and inverters in the PV system in the form of a circuit. The circuit is represented by a single-line diagram.


- Aging tool: small interface improvements
- Aging Tool: results can now be displayed in a table and exported
- Economic evaluation: improved management of pricing (feed-in and self-consumption)
- Economic evaluation: added the internal rate of return (IRR) value in financial results, added the possibility to define depreciation parameters individually for each asset instead of globally for the whole project, added possibility to define yearly provision for inverter replacement
- General: US date format is now well supported in PVsyst
- Meteo: added "save" button to "Meteo Tables and Graphs" dialog
- Meteo, SolarAnywhere API: data availability for the selected location is now provided
- Meteo data, help: updated help pages, including one about NEDO data (Japan)
- Module layout: improved adding and deleting rows or columns in table arrays
- Optimization tool: the scans can now be renamed after the optimization has run
- Optimizer, Huawei: implemented new models SUN2000-1100W and -1300W, updated related inverter database and rules
- Project: the project summary and the user notes have been improved
- Project: added the ability to load a project directly from the menu on the home window. The system type is now displayed on the load project window
- Report: merged the "special graphs" and "predefined graphs" sections on the report
- Report: added the abilities: 1) to choose the predefined plots in the report options 2) to change the order of the predefined plots by drag and dropping
- Shading factor table: thin objects table is now visible
- Shadings: calculating shading factors for trackers is now faster
- Shadings: it is now possible to modify the spacing of modules in 'sensitive surface' mode when editing a PV table
- Shadings: it is now possible to define the azimuth of zones with an accuracy of tenths of degrees
- Shadings, module layout: Improved the evaluation of the electrical effect of shadings on the bottom cell for submodules or partitions
- Simulation: complete revision of the grid-limitation treatment in the simulation.


- Aging tool with self-consumption: the energy self-consumed by the user (_Solar) was not accounted in the result
- Economic evaluation: there is no longer a crash in case the currency file is not accessible or not readable
- Economic evaluation: the LCOE calculation when financing contains loans is now correct
- Module layout: printing the report no longer makes the tables disappear from the central view of the module layout
- Report: setting in the "System Summary" screen of project and variant notes no longer produces a crash
- Report: editing the cover page for users with non-ansi characters in their Windows username no longer causes errors
- Shadings: correction of the inversion between the number of modules in X and the number of modules in Y for N/S axis trackers
- Shadings: fixed creating PV table with the pencil tool for projects located in the southern hemisphere
- Shadings: objects created with the pencil tool are not duplicated anymore
- User needs: the warning message displayed after importing an incomplete load profile now mentions the missing dates and times.

Patch 7.3.1 - 22/12/2022


- Shadings: added possibility to convert single PV tables into one or several arrays of tables.


- Circuit: switching from transformers defined for whole system to transformers defined per sub-array no longer cause crashes
- Meteo: import of monthly Solargis data takes now into account wind speed data
- Meteo: zero irradiance is accepted in northern areas and up to 6 null monthly average temperatures are allowed
- Report: the image size in the cover page is now correct
- Shadings: the number of modules in polygonal fields is now correct
- Shadings: added a checkbox to search for the axis closest to North-South or East-West when converting a fixed plane into trackers
- Shadings: fixed a crash in the orientation management tool
- Shadings: the trackers are now correctly resized when adding a central gap
- Simulation: using the grid limitation with multi-MPPT inverters and a number of MPPT inputs that is not a multiple of the number of inputs in the inverter no longer cause crashes.

Patch 7.3.2 - 08/02/2023


- Aging tool: reviewed the whole tool, simplified the manipulation, improved the results display
- Circuit: grouping of inverters in the single-line diagram is now easier
- Pumping: specific drawdown or maximum flowrate is now computed automatically if other variables are specified
- Pumping: save and load model buttons for water needs have been moved to the bottom of the screen
- Report: added maximum power if needed in the "Total Inverter Power" section of the report
- Report: added tracker diffuse shadings calculation mode
- Shadings: a new column for thin objects is now available in advanced selection
- Shadings: the sub-objects of "Building" type composed objects are now available in the advanced selection
- Shadings: PVsyst now suggests recomputing shading factor tables if they have been computed with an older version
- Shadings: imported 3DS files are now moved to the origin of the scene
- Shadings: it's now possible to transform any object to a ground object
- System: circuit can now be displayed and is updated properly from the "power sharing" screen. Additionally, instructions for using the "Power Sharing" screen have been added.


- Meteo import: Solargis data with time format in decimal is now interpreted correctly
- Horizon: importing horizon using Meteonorm web service does not crash anymore when data are missing
- Project: the user can now import and export a project from the main project window
- PV components: several issues when editing efficiency profiles of pump controllers and optimizers were corrected
- Report: multi-line custom comments are now correctly displayed
- Report: cost table of economic evaluation can now be displayed on multiple pages
- Report: selection of pages can now be saved as default for all projects
- Report: fixed text overlap in "Carbon Balance" section of the report
- Results: hourly graphs are now properly painted when resizing graph window
- Shadings: advanced selection column sorting works again (error specific to 7.3.0 and 7.3.1)
- Shadings: editing an orientation by double-click in the orientation management is functional again (error specific to 7.3.0 and 7.3.1)
- Shadings: the active area calculation now correctly manages trackers central gap and module spacing
- Shadings: importing very large topographic data files no longer causes crashes
- Shadings: objects are now rotated correctly when using the rotation tool
- Shadings: no more issue when copying and pasting really fast on the shadings scene
- Simulation: trackers central gap is now correctly taken into account in shading calculation when using backtracking strategy
- Simulation, batch mode: energy units are now correctly displayed regardless of the choice made in the preferences
- System: simulation cannot be run anymore if power sharing settings are wrong
- System: optimizers with parallel modules as input (SolarEdge P950) are now correctly treated
- System, grid limitation: the sharing between inverter overload loss and EUnused energy loss (grid limitation) is now correct
- System using unbalanced inverters: wrong error messages do not happen anymore
- Trackers: the incident global irradiation (GlobInc) is now estimated correctly when irradiation optimization option is activated.

Patch 7.3.3 - 04/04/2023

New features:

- PV module: cell size automatic detection. New help pages about the PV module internal structure.


- Bifacial system definition, reflected radiation on the rear side: it is now possible to define a large shading factor for the rear side (structure shading factor)
- Databases update
- Database, PAN files: information when the IAM or low-light performance are over-evaluated
- Database, Solaredge optimizer: reactivation of the rule limiting the optimizer number difference between strings to less than 2000 Watts
- Optimizers: reviewed the Mismatch definition (null, or small if only two modules are in series)
- Performance: operations on projects with large ground objects are now faster
- Shadings: importing ground data from a CSV file is now much faster
- Shadings: increased accuracy of ground image position
- Shadings: added the possibility to rotate all objects by 180° around the origin of the scene when importing DAE/PVC/3DS files
- Simulation in batch mode: it is now possible to choose the energy and irradiation units that will be used in the output file
- Simulation in batch mode: it is now possible to change the table length.


- Bifacial system: the graphs and animations in the bifacial model window are now working as expected
- Electrical shadings, partitions: rectangular multi fields no longer have zero electrical shading
- Energy management, power factor: complete revision. The PNom mode [kVA or kW] is now defined from the inverter data
- Horizon (far shadings): the calculation of the horizon shading has been corrected for times the sun passes the horizon line. This may slightly change the simulation results
- License: the button to load a license file is now activated when the user confirms a manual synchronization request
- Meteo import: the files reading is now secure when the time is expressed in decimal values
- Module layout: several resizing issues of polygonal fields are now corrected
- Orientations, unlimited: cell width is not overridden by the simulation anymore
- Report: correction of a text overlap in the "Carbon Balance" section of the report
- Report: cost differences in economic evaluation are now highlighted again when using the project comparison tool (error specific to version 7.3.2)
- Report: the units in the inverter summary section and the main inverter section are now the same
- Report: the author or user default value is now correctly managed for new reports
- Report: the report is now correctly refreshed when a change occurs in the cover page options
- Shadings: importing some DAE files doesn't crash anymore
- Shadings: correction of an error that occasionally occurs when transforming any objects into ground objects
- Shadings: X and Y are now displayed on the correct axis in the building reference in the southern hemisphere
- Shadings: shadings animation is now working properly for one minute steps in the southern hemisphere
- Shadings: sensitive area is now correct and does not change when restarting PVsyst
- Shadings: PVC files with decimals are now properly imported
- Shadings: no more overlaps in the status bar when reducing the size of the 3D scene window
- Simulation in batch mode: occasional problems with the column separators in batch parameter files have been fixed
- Simulation in batch mode and optimization tool: the height parameter does not disappear anymore if monthly albedo values are used
- Workspace: the link to the workspace in the file explorer now works even for deeply nested folders.

Patch 7.3.4 - 20/04/2023


- Bifacial systems: daily irradiance plots for very long summer days do not lead to a crash anymore
- Losses: the mechanism to propagate mismatch values to multiple sub-arrays is working again
- Detailed losses dialog: the selection of aging tab after viewing the losses graph doesn't crash anymore
- Detailed losses dialog: some values were not registered correctly
- Shadings: PV tables are now properly tilted when importing a 3D file and applying a 180° rotation
- Shadings, zone tool: it is no longer possible to modify the values of the fields if no zone is selected
- Simulation: simulation does not crash anymore when removing backup generator for standalone systems
- Simulation: sporadic crashes after exiting 'System' or 'Detailed losses' do not happen anymore
- Simulation, ageing tool: several issues related to the user interface have been fixed
- Simulation of bifacial systems in batch mode: the height parameter is now available also for 3D drawings made of individual tables
- System: selection of inverter power limitation to active or apparent power is now mutually exclusive.

PVsyst 7.2 (22/04/2021)

Welcome to PVsyst 7.2 !

New features:

- Shadings: completely reviewed the 3D fields definition dialogs. The fields should now be defined (preferably) according to the number of modules, in landscape or portrait. The field sizes and the number of modules are now defined simultaneously
- Shadings: definition of the partition in rectangles and strings (for electrical shadings) now within the 3D field dialog. This dialog includes now tools for analyzing or extending the definitions to other fields of the scene
- Shadings: new pedagogic tool for calculating and viewing angles between planes. This tool is also useful to understand the modifications of the orientation of the plane according to the base slope
- Reports: you can now compare two reports side by side with a highlight on the differences
- Backtracking: new dialog for the management of the pitch between independent tables, and choosing the reference pair of trackers. This dialog allows now the analysis of the pitches in the whole scene, and identifies the possible incompatibilities
- Meteo data: implemented new Meteonorm 8 meteorological database
- Meteo data: integration of SOLCAST as meteorological data source
- Language: complete software translation into Japanese and Chinese.


- Bifacial: modified and updated 2D model acceptability conditions
- Module layout: check of the suitability of the PV module (number of diodes, submodule layout should be "In Length" or "TwinHalfCut")
- PV module: in submodules layout definition, added a category "Exotic" for diverse not standard modules
- Simulation performance: with trackers, the integrals for diffuse values are now saved with the variant file
- Help: update pages about partition in strings of modules, AC losses, inverter limits and current limitation
- Components database update.


- Module Layout: fixed numerical finding of maxima in PV-curves. This may slightly change the results of Module Layout calculations
- Grid limitation losses: fixed a bug in the accounting of the grid limitation losses. Does not change the final results of the simulation
- Shadings: fixed bugs in Polygonal fields definitions
- Simulation for tracking big systems: optimized the calculation of the integrals for diffuse
- Meteo import: solved an issue with the filenames.
- Losses: fixed the accounting for array losses whenever the array power is almost null.

Patch 7.2.1 - 29/04/2021


- Database update.


- Error fix: fixed a bug in the elimination of data for the graphs of the measured data analysis tool
- Bifacial: fixed an error in the computation of the diffuse on the rear side of bifacial panels
- Bifacial model parameters 'pitch' and 'width' were not updated on report
- Error fix: in horizon plot the plane of array was stuck on default values
- Error fix in stand-alone systems when opening detailed pre-sizing
- AC losses: choice of the reference to use (STC or Pnom)
- Report: Added auxiliary losses in the report.

Patch 7.2.2 - 06/05/2021


- Help: new pages about backtracking.


- Simulation: fixed the not calculated diffuse values during simulation
- Simulation: solved a calculation issue with backtracking
- Report: fixed loss diagram truncated when projects simulated with 7.2.1 are imported in 7.1
- Report: fixed displayed tracking stroke limits
- Report: increased precision of AC losses fractions (2 decimal places)
- Shadings: fixed buttons sometimes not appearing in "Zone editing" panel
- Shadings: fixed a display issue in backtracking management
- Shadings: fixed crash when entering values with a comma in the group edit window
- Shadings: fixed table dimension issues when importing Helios3D or PVC files
- Shadings: correction of the electrical loss curve on the shadings animation plot
- Shadings: fixed trackers origin axis issue when editing
- Shadings: fixed string partitioning for tracker fields
- In batch mode, Pitch and Tilt where not changed correctly when limit angle was involved
- Meteorological data: displaying the parameter 'Albedo' if present in the data source
- Orientation: fixed a display issue in multi-orientation
- Preliminary design: fixed an issue when reading old pre-sizing projects files.

Patch 7.2.3 - 03/06/2021


- PV modules: simplification of the creation of PAN files and addition of messages to guide the user
- Meteo custom import: monthly albedo values (ground reflexion of "far" terrain) can now be set
- Meteo: import of global incident irradiance data (PoA). Hay’s model is now used for all reverse transpositions
- Backtracking management tool: tolerance for the identification of trackers with slightly higher GCR
- Orientations: added a checkbox to choose to consider zones of tables while identifying the orientations
- Shadings: authorization of a negative inclination for tracker axis
- Shadings: improvement of the 3D scene context menu.


- Simulation with trackers in southern hemisphere: error in the diffuse shading factor calculation
- Tracking and shadings: fixed Backtracking definitions which affected sometimes the shading table and simulation
- Bifacial verification: released the pitch conditions, now adjustable in the advanced parameters
- Sites choice: last used country is now pre-selected
- Report: removed incorrect parameter in the bifacial section
- Report: fixed value displayed for "Net present value" in "Financial analysis" section
- Report: improved and fixed report comparison tool
- Report: fixed print generation of several PV components (battery, generator, pump controller, stand-alone controller)
- Mixed orientations: fixed problems when distributing strings between orientations
- Shadings: fixed table sensitive area not correctly refreshed when using mouse tool to resize the field
- Shadings: added security check when importing 3D files
- Shadings: fixed a crash which sometimes occurs when switching between Geographical and Building coordinates references
- Shadings: fixed situations using wrong backtracking values for the simulation
- Shadings: fixed automatic altitude on composed objects
- Grid connected system: fixed crashes linked to incorrect optimizer selection in system definitions
- Horizon: fixed miscellaneous crashes linked to horizon import.

Patch 7.2.4 - 06/07/2021

New features:

- Meteo: new tool to generate TMY files based on multiple years of hourly time series. The method used can be chosen between: ISO norm, Sandia method or NREL TMY2/3 method.


- Database update
- Shadings, vertical axis trackers: possibility of defining a common axis in the global scene (for floating systems). Fixed too restrictive conditions for Backtracking and Bifacial. Now they are extendable through Advanced parameters.


- Module layout: fixed a crash with centre-spaced trackers
- Results: fixed display of 13th month in monthly results tables
- Report: fixed printing of Pumping projects report
- PV components: corrected bug that could cause large temperature losses when aging was considered
- Simulation: fixed irradiance calculation for concentrating systems with shadings not defined
- Simulation: corrected calculation of reactive power in presence of self-consumption
- Simulation: corrected warnings about energy imbalance in case of grid limitation and self-consumption
- Batch mode: fixed crash when using batch mode with variants containing carbon balance calculation
- Meteo: fixed an error that occurs on 32 bits platforms
- NSRDB file import: elevation missing issue corrected
- Shadings: fixed a crash when importing certain 3DS files.

Patch 7.2.5 - 02/09/2021


- Database update
- Meteo: updated to Meteonorm 8.0.4
- Meteo: Site creation window has been improved:
- Better handling of imported hourly data (new site, existing site where you used the "Meteo data Import" function):
- Monthly values can no longer be edited when they represent the monthly averages of the imported (unsaved) hourly data
- Changing the coordinates of a site (further than 1km) that has (unsaved) imported hourly data will prompt you to either keep the data (revert coordinates changes) or discard the hourly data (keep coordinates changes)
- Hourly data from fee-based sources (e.g. Solcast) are automatically saved (.MET) upon import, after import, the editing of monthly values and coordinates are disabled
- Edition of existing site - when editing the monthly values of an existing site, hourly meteo file (.MET) related to this site will no longer match the edited monthly values:
- Upon saving the edited site, PVsyst will ask if you want to generate a synthetic hourly file based on the modified monthly values
- Synthetic hourly data generation improved to consider an updated list of region type (this only has minor influence on the temperature of the generated data)
- Shadings: advanced selection dialog improvement
- Shadings: Support for negative tilts from H2P files.


- PV components: AMPT and other Optimizers: fixed error in voltages when in overload conditions
- Report: fixed the error related to image files in PNG format defined for the user logo or for a client logo
- Shadings: fixed the translation vector for the import of files in DAE or PVC format
- Shadings: fixed the zone editing with trackers
- Shadings: removed an erroneous blocking message when comparing trackers fields
- Simulation: in batch mode, the AC losses were not set correctly when changing inverter at the same time
- Simulations: current overload loss error when simulating multi-MPPT inverter with array MPP voltage below the inverter's threshold.

Patch 7.2.6 - 21/09/2021


- Detailed losses: the ohmic losses diagram is now properly printed
- Detailed losses: generating a histogram in mismatch losses no longer causes a crash
- Economic evaluation: predefined number of modules and inverters have been corrected when setting "Global installation cost per module" or "Global installation cost per inverter"
- Horizon: importing a horizon file (.hor) no longer causes a crash
- Importing of custom meteo files: defining the import file format with variable that require to define solarimeter orientation no longer causes a crash
- Shadings: deleting objects from the "List and manage objects" dialog no longer causes a crash
- Shadings: thin object shadings for low sun height have been improved
- Shadings: when editing a shading object, the module size definition is no longer disabled after changing the reference PV module.

Patch 7.2.7 - 22/10/2021


- Database updated
- Demo: PVsyst DEMO projects updated
- License: a reminder appears in the main menu when the license expiration date is near
- Project: new management window for variants
- Shadings: CSV export added in the backtracking management window
- Shadings: the status bar displays now the total number of modules contained in the scene
- Shadings: improved field selection when modules are displayed
- Shadings: improved visibility of modules in 3D scene with "realistic" view
- Settings: users can now choose the CSV separator when exporting data to clipboard
- Batch mode: users can now define a CSV delimiter.


- Economic evaluation: deleted investment costs no longer reappear
- Module layout for optimizers (especially SolarEdge): corrected the calculation of electrical shadings
- Project, variant files: corrected the storage of monthly values for 13-month simulations
- PV components: corrected several errors when editing inverter efficiency curves
- Simulation, mixed orientation: corrected inverter night losses
- Simulation, mixed orientation: corrected results for hours with very low irradiance on the second orientation
- Workspace: importing components from some .zip file no longer causes a crash.

Patch 7.2.8 - 27/10/2021


- Detailed losses: entering unavailability hours does not crash anymore.

Patch 7.2.9 - 13/12/2021


- Shadings: advanced selection and grouped modification improvements
- Database update
- Economic evaluation: the thousands separator character for money amounts is now customizable
- PV components: when creating new PAN files, the fields that require user input are now highlighted
- Read file: added support of MacOS End of Line (CR) when reading PVsyst files (.PAN, .OND, etc.)
- Shadings: improved the module display management in the scene
- Shadings: improved the management of the separator in the topographic data files (CSV)
- Simulation: improved the CSV separator management in batch simulation
- System: for the P50/P90 analysis, extended the use of the meteorological annual variability value as the default value from Meteonorm to all meteorological data providers that make it available
- User's needs: improved user friendliness when importing load profiles from a CSV file: there is now a quick access to load profile templates, and reviewed help pages are now available.


- Economic evaluation: the amounts containing the thousands separator are now edited correctly.
- Losses: reactive energy and power factor on loss diagram are now correct for systems with a grid injection limit
- Losses: editing MV cables without having defined the voltage no longer causes PVsyst to freeze
- Meteo data import for PVsyst standard format: the "#TMY hourly data" header tag is now ignored
- Meteo: when the site creation window displays an error message, it will no longer crash when leaving then returning to PVsyst from another application (alt-tab)
- PV components: the PV module initial degradation is now restricted to amorphous silicon. The related help links and warning message are now correct
- PV components: several errors when editing inverter efficiency curves were fixed
- PV components: when creating a new PAN file, Rs and Rsh are now set automatically to default values
- PV components: viewing efficiency curves of optimizers no longer causes a crash
- PV components: the temperature coefficient of CdTe PV modules with very low D2MuTau value (equal to 0.1) is now correct
- Report: no more solar path graphic incoherence when the horizon line is defined
- Shadings: switching between Geographical to Building display no longer causes the azimuth value to change
- Shadings: the crash that occurred sometimes when creating tracker fields is now resolved
- Shadings: no more slowness in large scenes when the modules are displayed
- Shadings: shading tables are now deleted when a change in orientation parameters impacts the shading scene
- System: the behavior of the strings configuration window is now correct when using optimizers
- Workspace: the user images are now also imported when importing components from a folder.

Patch 7.2.10 - 21/12/2021


- Shadings: the functionality of converting a PV field into elementary shading objects was added
- Shadings: grouped modifications of vertical axis trackers are now supported
- Shadings: the definition of a common axis when transforming fixed tables to vertical axis trackers is now possible.


- Project: reading load profiles from files with a bad format no longer causes a crash
- Shadings: increasing the number of tables in a rectangular field no longer causes a crash
- Shadings: a small diffuse shadings correction was added for negative tilts.

Patch 7.2.11 - 18/01/2022


- Meteo, Solcast: error 403 [User does not have active Plan for tmy_p50] is now handled correctly
- Shadings: the reading of H2P files with negative tilt is now supported
- Shadings: improved reading of table sizes "by modules" from .SHD files. The number of modules displayed in the status bar is now correct
- Shadings: module sizing is now also correct when reading the shadings scene from an old project
- Simulation in batch mode: tracker parameters (such as axis tilts) are available again.

Patch 7.2.12 - 24/02/2022


- Database update
- Optimizers, Solaredge: a new kind of optimizers is available for a central inverter
- PV components: handling of Rserie/Rshunt default values is now more explicit with new detailed help.


- Bifacial: variants with bifacial and only a single row of module defined in the 3D shading scene are no longer valid: this case is not treated by the bifacial model
- Database: deleting the decimal character when dot is defined as the thousand separator in Windows preferences no longer causes an error
- Economic evaluation: module degradation is now taken into account in self-consumption saving calculation
- Economic evaluation: when reloading a project, the decimal part of the interest rates is no longer lost
- Losses: removed unnecessary requests for saving when spectral correction is activated
- Meteo, TMY generation: selecting data for high latitudes no longer causes an error
- Module layout: fixed crash occurring sometimes when using SolarEdge optimizer
- Module layout: the option to change tables name is now saved
- Module layout: string attribution is now no longer lost when saving the variant
- Module layout: deselecting tables with the mouse now works correctly in all cases
- PV components: handling of leading/lagging power factor is now consistent
- Report: in the bifacial section, the limit angle is no longer displayed incorrectly as 0°
- Shadings: H2P import: tracker tilt values are now imported correctly
- Shadings: fixed an error on the group modification of the trackers tilt
- Shadings: rotating the whole scene no longer crashes
- Shadings: extruded polygons are now included in the "List and management of objects" tool
- Shadings: reading a 3D scene from an .SHD file with formatting errors no longer causes a crash
- Simulation, batch mode: output file templates (*.SFI) are now well saved and restored
- Simulation of trackers: irradiance optimization is now taken into account in the calculation of diffuse shading
- User workspace: rare cases of errors encountered when extracting files from a compressed workspace (.zip) no longer cause crashes
- User workspace: the importation of projects without overwriting the already existing components is now handled correctly.

Patch 7.2.13 - 07/04/2022

New features:

- Optimizer: implemented Huawei Optimizers, with sizing constraints (inverters allowed, limits on the number in series, etc.) and update of the help.


- Bifacial: calculation of bifacial performance according to IEC 61724-1 is now available in the main results summary
- Database update
- Grid storage dialog: improved default values, navigation and error messages
- PV Components: Improved user guidance for the creation of new PAN files
- Self-consumption: added possibility to rescale imported load profiles to a monthly consumption.


- Economic evaluation: when editing amounts, the choice of "windows parameters" as thousands separator now works correctly in all cases
- Energy management: unnecessary elements are no longer visible in the grid power limitation dialog
- Grid system with storage: Performance Ratio is now correctly calculated with self-consumption and storage
- Losses: spectral correction can now be used for different modules of the same technology
- Meteo: a rare error case was fixed when importing SolarGIS files
- Orientation: detection of orientations with zones is now correct
- Report: report viewing now works without error also for users whose name contains non-ANSI characters
- Report, inverter: print options (graphics choice) now work correctly
- Results: small correction for temperature-adjusted performance ratio (PR)
- Results, graphs: only variables that have been selected in "hourly data storage" can now be shown in hourly plots
- Shadings: min and max tilt/phi/azimuth values are now available in the advanced selection window
- Shadings: fixed an error importing trackers from PVC files in the southern hemisphere
- Shadings: string partitions are now displayed correctly for polygonal fields
- Shadings: updating orientation from 3D scene no longer crashes
- Workspace: files placed in a cloud storage that are not fully loaded no longer generate a repeating error.

Patch 7.2.14 - 13/04/2022


- Shadings: fixed a crash when opening the 3D scene caused by some hardware setup
- Shadings: fixed a crash when undoing in object editing
- Shadings: improved handling of rectangular fields in the advanced selection tool.

Patch 7.2.15 - 02/06/2022

New features:

- Meteo: direct download of meteorological data from SolarAnywhere® is now available.


- Database update
- Optimizers, Huawei and Tigo: the position of the operating point on the power plateau is now correct because the efficiency as function of duty cycle is taken into account
- PV module, tool for low-light analysis data from IEC 61853 measurements and Rserie determination, profound improvement
- Shadings: added copy/paste functionality in the advanced selection tool
- System: new power sharing user interface
- Trackers: the limit of the number of trackers used for the calculation of partial shadings is now customisable in the advanced parameters.


- Economic evaluation: setting currency for inverter prices no longer raises an error
- Grid system with storage: when using the universal battery approach, the battery voltage and number of elements in series are now correctly calculated when re-opening a variant
- Losses: the random distribution activation now changes the unavailability dates
- Losses: loading wire definitions from corrupted files no longer causes a crash
- Meteo, NSRDB import: an API update required changes. The data import works again
- Module layout: calculating shadings with some polygonal fields no longer causes crashes
- Module layout: scaling the scene view now allows to show all modules in all cases
- Optimizer, SolarEdge inverter list: several display errors in the dialog (PNomRatio initialization at opening, 4 last inverter names inverted, improvements in report)
- Optimizer, AMPT: didn’t work in the latest version 7.2.14
- Orientations: improved tracker orientation updates
- Project: when saving a copy of one of the DEMO projects, the variants are now also saved
- Project: reading some erroneous project files no longer causes a crash
- Project: selecting a different meteo file no longer causes a crash
- PV components: a crash occurring in very special conditions when loading inverters with three efficiency profiles, no longer happens
- PV components and module layout: displaying shaded IV curves of PV modules no longer causes a division by zero
- PV components: reading some component files with erroneous content no longer causes a crash
- PV components: the editing of inverter efficiency curves has been improved and several possible crashes and errors were corrected
- Read file: secured handling of very long file paths
- Report: fixed horizon plot title display
- Report: improved rounding precision for total PNom value
- Report: printing some inverters no longer causes crashes
- Report: removing some sections from the report no longer causes crashes
- Shadings: the auto elevation for domes fields now works correctly
- Shadings: mouse selection of shaded tables now works correctly
- Shadings: correction of the vertical axis position for the trackers tilted at 90°
- Shadings: modifying some objects when the side windows listing objects is displayed no longer causes crashes
- Shadings: improved the handling of progress when importing H2P files
- Simulation, batch mode: existing batch parameter files are no longer overwritten if opened while exiting dialog
- Simulation, batch mode: string length with optimizers can now be changed in batch mode
- Trackers: the choice of the backtracking strategy is now explicitly shown in the report
- User's needs: defining load profiles no longer generates errors.

Patch 7.2.16 - 15/06/2022


- Report: the attribution of module or strings is now displayed in the 3D view
- Meteo: PVGIS 5.2 is now supported
- Shadings: the shadings animation can now be cancelled during the calculation process.


- Losses: unavailability dates are now updated when clicking on the "Set Random" button
- Report: user needs for projects in the southern hemisphere are now displayed correctly
- Shadings: the module display for trackers on frame is now correct
- Simulation: modifying variants that have just been simulated does not cause crashes anymore (error specific to 7.2.15)
- Stand alone systems: securing the controller's thresholds for Li-Ion batteries
- System: power sharing interface improvement.

Patch 7.2.17 - 26/07/2022


- Grid storage dialog: displays the charging and discharging duration according to power levels
- Grid system with self-consumption: now possibility of forbidding Grid re-injection.


- Bifacial: the bifacial-corrected Performance Ratio, found in the detailed results window, is now calculated correctly
- Losses: the auxiliaries threshold default value calculation is now correct
- Module layout: fixed an error preventing tables from being filled with modules designed in Landscape mode
- Report: the monthly values table is now correctly updated when changing the 7th column variable from the report options
- Shadings: importing an H2P file no longer causes a crash (error specific to version 7.2.16)
- Shadings: the first simulation of imported PVC scenes with backtracking now takes backtracking into account
- Workspace: workspace export now also includes meteorological files.

Patch 7.2.18 - 30/08/2022


- Database update.


- Economic evaluation: defined costs are no longer lost when resetting the simulation results
- Economic evaluation: fixed several calculation errors in the financial results
- Economic evaluation: fixed a crash occurring sometimes when entering the tool
- Grid system with storage: using the weak grid islanding strategy does not cause crashes anymore
- Help: updated help for advanced simulation dialog
- Module layout: using Solaredge optimizers with more than ten strings in parallel at the inverter input no longer causes crashes
- Optimizer, Solaredge: supressing a sub-array does not cause crashes anymore
- Self-consumption: crashes that occurred in user needs dialog have been corrected
- Shadings: cable drawing for scenes located in southern hemisphere now works correctly
- Shadings: the import of H2P files containing trackers located in the southern hemisphere now works correctly
- Shading factor table: the first computation of the table just after a change in a 3D scene with backtracking is now correct.

Patch 7.2.19 - 21/09/2022


- Database update.


- License: an error occurring when the user does not have write permissions on the license file has been fixed
- Losses, transformers: deep refactoring, based on datasheets or on inverters nominal power (PNom)
- Report, grid systems with self-consumption and AC losses: sometimes EOut system and PR were erroneous (error < 1%)
- System, SolarEdge: removing a sub-array does not cause crashes anymore (error specific to 7.2.18)
- System: correction of an "auto-equal. pnom" inconsistency in the power sharing tool
- System: setting value 0 for number of strings does not cause crashes anymore.

Patch 7.2.20 - 13/10/2022


- License: an error occurring when the user does not have reading permissions on the license file has been fixed
- Losses, medium voltage transformers: the losses (in %) displayed in the report and the error messages are no longer multiplied by the number of transformers
- Meteo: importing a CSV file containing invalid dates no longer causes crashes
- Performance: variant checking no longer slows down significantly software execution
- Report: page buttons no longer disappear when the report contains more than 10 pages
- Report: printing the report for some configurations using Solaredge optimizers no longer causes errors
- Shadings: the number of trackers in the groups tree is now copied correctly in all parts of the software.

Patch 7.2.21 - 27/10/2022


- Meteo: Vaisala data with Clear Sky GHI as a column is now interpreted correctly
- PV components: upon editing PAN files, there is no more wrong highlighting of fields containing the letter sequence 'na'
- Shading scene: null value for module spacing is now correctly taken into account when saving the project
- System: correction of an inconsistency in power sharing when using PNom automatic equalization
- Trackers electrical calculation: the partitions in strings of modules is again consistent in the different edition tools of the software (issue specific to version 7.2.20)
- Trackers, large systems with backtracking: the variant checking is made now more efficiently and the interface is smooth again.

PVsyst 7.1 (25/11/2020)

Welcome to PVsyst 7.1 !

New features:

- Final report complete overhaul featuring:
- New design based on automatic and modular "blocks" of content
- New cover page fully customizable with image, text, contact information
- New summary page for a quick overview of the project, variant and results
- Table of contents bookmarked/linked to pages when saved as PDF
- Report fully drawn in 600DPI for the finest details.


- 3D scene : it is now possible to fill a zone with tilted-axis trackers
- 3D scene : the group modification tool has been improved
- General: Improved the advanced parameters accessibility
- Module layout: Implementation of twin-half-cut cell modules with optimizers
- Module layout: Improvement of the strings' attribution to modules, especially with odd-numbers of modules in series
- AC ohmic losses: wire defined for individual inverters instead of global
- Added a loss for the HV line after the HV transfer up to the grid connexion
- System: Adapted power sharing window to unlimited number of sub-arrays
- System: Adapted multi-orientation daily sharing window to unlimited number of sub-arrays
- Implemented Current loss per MPPT input when not using the UsesMultiMPPT option
- Database update.


- 3D scene : trackers imported from external files or generated by zones are now handled correctly by PVsyst allowing to proceed to the simulation, tilts and azimuths are averaged to compute the transposition calculations
- Fixed a crash when importing or reading an empty ground object
- Module Layout: fixed module attribution for polygonal fields
- Shadings: fixed module spacing management in fields
- Sometimes Error in Efficiency 3 voltages (Cubic interpolation artefacts).

Patch 7.1.1 - 09/12/2020


- Shading: Improvement of the 3D scene context menu
- Shading: Added selection tools for the list of PV materials in the 3D scene import window
- Project form: updated information for the user about lengthy executions.


- Shading: Fixed automatic altitude on composed objects
- Standalone projects: fixed error related to a high number of batteries
- Fixed tracking type selection in 3D scene when creating a tracker
- Fixed display of modules and strings in 3D scene when clicking on "Open 3D scene" from module layout
- Report:
- Economic evaluation costs tables rework
- Small general corrections
- Fixed two crashes with the new report
- Fixed error when copying simulation errors and warnings to clipboard
- Fixed user logo import that was not working in the print options
- Fixed displaying of file content in various windows
- Fixed crash occurring in strings voltage mismatch detailed study tool
- Some corrections when importing custom meteo or data files.

Patch 7.1.2 - 21/12/2020


- Report: improved the choice to display data from the P50-P90 evaluation on the report
- The behavior of the scrollbar on the list of plots of daily irradiance has been changed. Clicking the whitespace above and below the cursor now skips in steps of 1 week.


- 3D scene: fixed erroneous object selection at the edges of the viewport
- Report: miscellaneous corrections
- Orientation: Fixed scroll bar issue in multi-orientation
- Measured Data: fixed the crash when attempting to plot comparison of imported with simulated data. All 4 modes of comparison now work, whereas only "Measured values" worked previously
- 3D scene : fixed grouped modification of horizontal NS axis trackers
- 3D scene : fixed default axis rotation limits when filling a zone to match the message box
- Report: fixed a crash in the cover page options when Turkish or Korean was the defined report language
- Opening the predefined graphs window for the first time displayed the unit dropdown values correctly. If you then closed the window and reopened it, any subsequent opening showed these dropdowns as empty. This is now fixed.

Patch 7.1.3 - 12/01/2021


- Database update
- Economic evaluation: multiple improvements
- Module layout: Improved tables to modules adjustment
- Enlarged tolerances for using Bi-facial feature with complex systems.


- Economic evaluation: multiple bug fixes
- Fixed crash occuring when updating the module layout according to the 3D scene
- Fixed number of modules in X and Y for N/S trackers when updating 3D scene from module layout
- Fixed a range check error happening during certain simulations
- Fixed "File not found" or "file could not be opened" error when opening the report for users with non-ASCII user names
- Fixed the user logo not being displayed correctly on the report
- Shadings: Fixed a crash that could occur with the "lasso" selection tool
- Fixed the behavior of the AC losses in the batch mode.

Patch 7.1.4 - 27/01/2021


- 3D scene: two distinct views can now be used to build the shading scene: 1) the "Geographical" view using real coordinates and, 2) the "Building" view for construction plan regardless of the geographical coordinates
- Economic evaluation: added details of loans in report
- Reworked the pre-sizing report and database components reports
- Update: Added background download and decreased installer size
- Shading: extension of the right-click to sub-objects
- Variant: import of variants authorized with the keyboard.


- Module layout: fixed module misplacement and storage for polygonal fields
- Economic evaluation: fixed crash when loading a cost template file
- Fixed error when reading an old file defining conversion format for the importation of custom meteorological data (.MEF)
- Pumping system: fixed crash occurring when choosing a not fully defined pump
- Fixed the interactive map not using the proxy settings
- Fixed PDF not generating with the aging tool
- System: fixed a drawing problem of the power sizing histogram in mixed orientation
- Shadings: removed the possibility to delete the 3rd vertex in polygon PV planes.

Patch 7.1.5 - 12/02/2021


- Implemented new SolarEdge rules and components.


- Shadings: fixed a crash that occurred when deselecting certain objects in realistic view
- Shadings: fixed the import of *.DAE files containing uppercase scientific numbers
- Shading: fixed reference selection issue of "Rotate whole scene" feature
- Fixed a misplacement of the measured data combo box in the project window
- Added a dialogue when selecting "apply to all sub-arrays" in the detailed losses window. Now the AC losses can be copied in two ways
- Advanced simulation: fixed crash when reading unexpected content in .RVT file
- Fixed a crash when importing files containing SolarAnywhere meteorological data
- Corrected calculation of grid limitation in presence of self-consumption
- Fixed error when using a file to define the grid unavailability
- Corrected the accumulation of variables for the mixed orientation case, which caused incoherencies and small errors in the results, for very large systems
- HV transformer: corrected an inconsistent error message
- Array losses: corrected balance error when checking with optimizers
- Report (part about Trackers): show Phi and/or Tilt limits
- Fixed Bug related to AC losses for micro-inverters
- Shadings: fixed a crash that could occur when importing some 3DS files.

Patch 7.1.6 - 05/03/2021


- Added new transposition (circumsolar treatment) in the project options. Automatic switching of the option for concentrating systems
- Parameter: added an advanced parameter for the minimal distance between objects
- Added a fail-safe that prevents the mixed orientation trackbar to appear for a single orientation system.


- Shadings: fixed a crash that could occur when editing zones
- Shadings : fixed a crash which occurs when displaying the "Building perspective" for some computer hardwares
- System: fixed a crash occurring in multi-threaded mode with AMD Ryzen Threadripper processors
- Fixed an incoherency in the result checks for concentrating systems
- Fixed an error causing the electrical shadings not to be taken into account in the mixed orientation case
- Fixed display of modules in 3D view reachable from Module Layout
- Report: fixed clean-up of temporary files used for report preview
- Fixed crash in report preview occurring when scrolling with the mouse wheel
- Fixed a crash happening when selecting an optimizer in some cases
- Corrected the calculation of array losses for mixed orientation systems, potential changes in simulation results on the order of per thousand
- Module Layout: fixed two axis trackers table display
- Fixed a crash in report preview when printing a component
- Fixed a crash occurring when displaying trackers with two axis in 3D view from Module Layout
- Fixed 3D view sometimes crashing when displaying "Building" reference.

Patch 7.1.7 - 17/03/2021


- SolarAnywhere: GHI / DHI can now be generated based on DNI values
- SolarAnywhere: support of the new format with Albedo, PM2.5 and PM10
- Update of the SolarEdge database
- License: new license type "NGO project" for non-governmental organizations
- Update of the databases.


- Fixed inconsistency in the simulation with mixed orientations
- Database: Crash of the Win32 version when accessing battery or controller components has been fixed
- Fixed a crash when reading a 3D scene after importing a ground image
- Simulation: the "copper" loss of the transformers did not take into account the increase in current due to Cos (Phi)
- Fixed crashes when printing the module layout
- Shading: Fixed a bug in the "Undo" command that sometimes led to the loss of the drawing.

Patch 7.1.8 - 01/04/2021


- Shading: user-defined translation when importing 3D drawings from 3DS / DAE / PVC files.


- License: fixed a crash if the license transfer failed
- Shading: a crash when filling a zone has been fixed
- Report: in the title of the tables, the currency was displayed without "k" for kilos (kEuro, kDollar)
- System, Power Distribution dialog: long names of subfields overlapped input fields
- Error corrections and improvement of the simulation accuracy (approx. 0.1%) of systems with mixed orientations and module arrangement
- Corrections to the tool for selecting the orientation when importing meteorological data (POA data)
- Win32 version: shading tables were sometimes accidentally deleted when loading a project
- Shading: bug with grouped changes of the base inclination fixed
- Corrected treatment of the circumferential solar radiation when using trackers in the 3D drawing
- Correction in the calculation of the inverter curtailment in the presence of a feed-in limitation and AC losses
- Fixed a bug in the display of the trackbar with mixed alignment.

PVsyst 7.0 (25/05/2020)

Welcome to PVsyst 7!

New features:

- Support of 64-bit architectures : this will extend PVsyst capabilities of handling large projects and shading scenes
- Irradiance: new improved treatment of the circumsolar component, impacts on the electrical shadings and vertical Bi-facial systems
- System : unlimited number of sub-arrays
- Shadings : conversion of fixed tables to trackers, new trackers with central gap parameter for bifacial, import of trackers from Helios3D, import of PVC files
- Output AC circuit : definition of several MV and HV transformers, with their specifications
- Live results display : see results values and graphs while the simulation is running
- Economic evaluation : Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), Net Present Value (NPV), multiple loans of multiple types, advanced depreciation configuration
- Economic evaluation : now available for Stand-alone and Pumping systems
- Simulation : display of warnings during the simulation and with the results


- Module Layout: great improvements in submodule shading calculations accuracy, print of the layout has also been improved and can now be printed in the report
- User interface : improvements of the user interface and user experience
- License management simplification
- Localization : full-software translation coverage (except the Help), Turkish and Korean languages now available

Patch 7.0.1 - 09/06/2020


- Database update
- Mention of the use of new transposition algorithm on report
- Help update of PV module model and Mismatch
- Module Layout with SolarEdge
- Loss diagram: added choice of the DPI, by default screen DPI.


- Error in reading of PV Modules that were not Si-mono or Si-poly was leading to wrong low-light behavior
- Check of transformer power was not accounting for inverter clipping
- Error when loading an invalid bitmap image as logo
- Error when loading a project variant from an older version
- Fix for error with automatic NSRDB site meteo import
- Fix IAM print on report
- Fixed an issue with orientations being recalculated when running a simulation
- Fixed erroneous conversion of rectangle fields to tilted-axis trackers
- Shading tables for vertical PV modules were not calculated correctly.

Patch 7.0.2 - 19/06/2020


- Database update


- Fixed error when writing variant after running a simulation
- Fixed error when reading back last project after running simulation
- Domes with mixed orientations were not resized correctly in batch mode
- Undefined loss values in ModuleLayout for very low irradiance
- Shadings : fixed custom modules definitions not stored when using grouped modification
- System: fixed range check error when a large number of inverters are used

Patch 7.0.3 - 01/07/2020

Fixes impacting results:

- Simulation: treatment of the horizon band in the Perez model improved for shading calculation. Shading losses now more coherent. Yearly result values may change around 1%.


- Performance : fixed some "Advanced simulation" dialogs taking up to several seconds to show
- Fixed error when switching variant with many trackers
- Unlimited Trackers where not correctly displayed in orientation dialog
- Shadings: fixed backtracking strategy for imported scenes, when BT calculated from 2 trackers. The BT was not applied correctly to all other trackers
- Shadings: fixed issues in polygonal PV fields management in shading tool
- Shadings: reversed "Portrait" / "Landscape" display of modules in 3D scene for N/S axis tracker fields
- Report: fixed erroneous unit display for energy values in Economic Evaluation summary section
- Fixed a crash happening when saving the 3D scene to an SVG file from the Module Layout.

Patch 7.0.4 - 07/07/2020


- Interface not becoming slow anymore for bifacial systems with 3D shading scene.


- In carbon balance, number of inverters retrieved from variant
- Fixed Fridge power not taken into account in domestic uses window
- Compass in Module Layout sometimes not correctly oriented
- Module layout strings attribution: error in some very special cases
- MV lines specification with several transformers: fixed error of Minimum wire section.

Patch 7.0.5 - 14/07/2020

- Grid inverter : fixed a crash when enabling efficiency for 3 voltages
- Shadings : fixed a crash when leaving scenes with more than 32000 objects
- Fixed an issue preventing to simulate Module Layout with modules having a number of diodes different than 3
- Fixed a crash when interacting with scrollbar in the Graph window
- Fixed a problem where the simulation in aging tool would not use the correct meteo file
- Fixed recent project opening when "No / New project" is selected in the Preferences
- Several additional minor fixes

Patch 7.0.6 - 28/07/2020


- Database update
- Shadings : set top view to put north on the top in southern hemisphere.


- Fixed inconsistencies with the user needs data and grid storage
- AC Losses: wire length not saved when specified as loss percentage
- SolarEdge: some inverters not useable, because no compatible optimizer
- Shadings : fixed elementary object edition setting parameters back to defaults in some cases
- Fixed crash related to the ageing parameters in the detailed losses
- Fixed storage strategy modification not changing the economic evaluation
- Access violation when importing a variant containing an error
- Module Layout: several corrections, namely when orientations are mixed on one SolarEdge inverter
- Fixed a range check error in system definition when opening Solaredge inverter
- Bifacial: incoherency when a tracker is defined with Axis azimuth = 180°.

Patch 7.0.7 - 04/08/2020


- Interactive map: updated communication protocol with map server
- Fixed time shift in NSRDB TMY import due to NSRDB API change: UTC is now set as default instead of Local Time
- ModuleLayout: problem when showing shaded module I/V curves with tracking systems.

Patch 7.0.8 - 11/08/2020


- Fixed custom file window crash by restricting position of the horizontal splitter
- Fixed custom file import for daily values
- Restored possibility of several transfos in global system
- Fixed a crash when copying the Mismatch graph to clipboard.

Patch 7.0.9 - 19/08/2020


- Remove project correctly from "Recent projects" when deleted in the project window
- Read File: added warning to user and recovery from read error
- Problem for defining the HV line voltage (HV Transformer): initialization of the number of MV transformers
- Use of HV transformer: correction of the overlapping information preventing to define the grid voltage
- Max. number of MV transformers increased.

Patch 7.0.10 - 25/08/2020


- Database update
- Added the possibility to save PV module and inverter files in old format using ANSI encoding. These files can be read from old version of PVsyst (from V6.40 to V6.79).


- System: the number of sub-arrays is not limited to 8 anymore when using Solaredge optimizers.

Patch 7.0.11 - 15/09/2020

Bug fixes:

- Fixed file read error when generating the pdf with Korean characters in the file name
- Fixed wrong unit display in Ageing tab of Detailed Losses window
- ModuleLayout: verification of the number of modules defined per orientation.

Patch 7.0.12 - 24/09/2020

Bug fixes:

- Shadings: fixed history issues for dome fields
- Shadings: fixed negative tilt issue when filling a zone with auto-tilting above a dome roof
- Shadings: fixed copy-pasting problem of objects included in a group
- Simulation: fixed a division by zero when the ambient temperature per hour is too high.

Patch 7.0.13 - 08/10/2020

Bug fixes:

- Prevent electrical shading losses to become negative
- Stand-alone: simulation errors for the variables EArray_ON and EBkUp_ON during transitions within hours
- System & Module layout: fixed mixed orientations mismatch
- Student and classroom licenses can now select any component from the database, but the manufacturer automatically switches to generic in the report
- Fixed KT error when copy/pasting user monthly data in a new site
- Fixed PVsyst blocking when selecting to output a report for each simulation in a batch
- Fixed total number of modules displayed in shading scene for trackers with central gap
- Fixed measured I/V curve import in PV module form.

Patch 7.0.14 - 09/10/2020


- Fixed crash from alt-tabbing back to PVsyst after closing the geographical site definition window.

Patch 7.0.15 - 20/10/2020


- Imported hourly load profiles can be renormalized to a yearly consumption
- Typical load profiles added to templates.


- Unavailability losses were not handled correctly in presence of a load profile
- Module layout : fixed an application hang when automatically assigning electrical strings
- Module layout: fixed the vertical electrical distribution of the modules
- Bifacial was sometimes unavailable with perfectly regular system
- ModuleLayout was sometimes ignored with a system including SolarEdge optmimizers
- Added warning that Twin Modules are not implemented with optimizers
- System: fixed system information in mixed orientation
- Database: fixed the CSV export window
- Aging model was not recalculated when setting dispersion values back to default
- Importing load profiles with comments and empty lines beyond the header was not working
- Ageing: restitutes PV module after aborting the simulation
- Added PV module check at beginning of simulation
- Optimizers: new warning for Twin-half cut cells modules, It reverts as "InLength"
- Fixed simulation slowing down after several months have been calculated, on some computers
- Fixed error when viewing meteo of a new project.

Patch 7.0.16 - 29/10/2020


- Database update.


- Shadings: fixed the import of *.DAE files containing scientific numbers
- Wire loss specified percentage was not reproduced with enough precision.

Patch 7.0.17 - 18/11/2020


- System: Adapted power sharing window to unlimited number of sub-arrays
- System: Adapted multi-orientation daily sharing window to unlimited number of sub-arrays.


- Disallow zero pitch for unlimited sheds
- SolarEdge: list of inverters reinitialized when changing sub array
- Sizing of SolarEdge Optimizers now use highest expected power instead of nominal PV module power
- Fixed a crash when importing or reading an empty ground object
- Shadings: fixed module spacing management in fields
- Module Layout: fixed module attribution for polygonal fields
- Fixed calculation of reactive and apparent power when in self-consumption.