- GoogleMap tool has changed, search by Map not working anymore: update of PVsyst accordingly.
- Diffuse shading factors for tracking systems: were computed with Shading Factor Table with tracking => error Backtracking now calculated for several tracker positions.
- Pump definition: dialog for definitions acc. to efficiency not working. Included a new line of contrifugal industrial pumps in the database.
- Little updates in the importation of Meteo files, esp Satellight.
- Corrected Horizon in Meteonorm, bad defined for southern hemisphere.
In version 6.08 (27.06.2013)
- LID and Light-soaking loss parameter not written on the file.
- Securization of the ohmic loss dialog (sometimes crashes).
- Simulation with voltage limit for getting full Pmpp: error fixed.
- Report: Nb of inverters not correct with unbalanced MPPT suppression of the NOCT info line (not relevant).
- Synthetic generation: Diffuse renormalization to input values not effective Wind velocities created by Meteonorm without input data.
- Satellight import: error in the avaraging over 5 years.
- TMY2 import: modif for accepting little imperfections to input format.
- Stand-alone and pumping systems: error at simulation beginning.
- System sizing, Shading dialogs: sometimes crashed.
- Meteo data import: accept solarimeter azimuth over ±90°.
- Logo not visible in report: fixed.
In version 6.07 (29.05.2013)
- TMY3 import: still errors with some locations.
- Satellight meteo data: added an automatic 6 minutes time shift.
- In Project’s site definition: securized copy Meteo => site.
- Master/Slave operation: fixed in simulation and module layout.
- SolarEdge, fractional inputs: fixed efficiency and overload.
- Helios3D import for southern hemisphere: still some angle definitions errors.
- Sometimes empty meteo data: additional warnings, securized System definition.
In version 6.06 (26.04.2013)
- TMY3 import: extended accepted separator to semicolon => possibility of modifying CSV file in EXCEL.
- Shading factor “according to string” calculation: sometimes error when 2 shades in the same rectangle.
- Solaredgs systems with fractional inverter: still an error in the simulation.
- Heterogeneous fields with only mixed field: didn’t appear in choices.
- Hidden parameters edition: “Miscellaneous” topic had disappeared.
- ModuleLayout: default value for nb. of diodes now according to module def.
- Fixed character issues in simulation report.
In version 6.05 (12.04.2013)
- Systems with overload: calculation error in some cases (=> over-evaluated loss).
- Shadings with partition in module strings: sometimes hangs up.
- Import TMY3 format: extended possibilities for other sources (SAM in India). Now possible to import specific years, leap years, data source modifiable.
- Import of meteo ASCII files: extended to some very strange data formats.
- Import of Standard PVsyst format: added a parameter for time stamp hour shift. Adapted for importing DHI + DNI measurements.
- Tracking frames: extended accepted angle limits.
- Inverter definition dialog: sometimes crashed.
- Meteo data tables: Last day missing.
- New installation per-machine.
In version 6.04 (21.03.2013)
- Slight error in the module database;
- Import of PVGIS data: adapted for Internet Explorer 10;
- Solaredgs systems with fractional inverter inputs did’nt work;
- Display of IAMLoss and ShdLoss values.
In version 6.03 (19.03.2013)
- Import Satel-light data: updated, the original source format has been changed.
- Low-light data specifications for PV modules: improved the dialog
- Import of ASCII meteo files: error with new Meteo files definition of V6.
- Database update.
In version 6.02 (28.02.2013)
- Mismatch tool: crash if PV module of the project not yet defined calculation on Inverter inputs, not the full sub-array
- Batch Mode tool: new parameters, update creation of hourly files
- File creation for simulation: memorization of the specified variables
- Project: displaced several settings of the Hidden parameters, specific to the project, to the project’s settings
- Project: Add. settings: choice for Vmax IEC or UL
- Oportunity of using muVoc specified instead of from model.
New Version 6.0 BETA (05.02.2013)
!!! A license synchronization is required before the update of PVsyst !!!
“Meteonorm Inside”
– Direct search of any location on the earth, using the well-known GoogleMap tool.
– Immediately get the monthly meteo values for any site, using the interpolating possibilities of Meteonorm 6.1.
– Synthetic generation of hourly values uses now the Meteonorm algorithm, improved by respect to the old PVsyst algorithm.
– Included import of meteo values from new databases, for example SolarAnywhere (SUNY model) satellite recent data covering the whole USA.
– Transposition model on tilted planes: Perez model now proposed as default instead of Hay, leqading to an increase of 0
– 2% yearly sum according to climate and orientation.
New Project management and simulation process
– New Project management Dashboard, with direct access to all parameters, simulation and results in a single dialog.
– Improved project management: copy, saving, transfers of calculation versions from projects to projects, copy of full projects.
– Losses: new organization of the loss diagram. New losses like LID, System unavailability, Inverter auxiliary or night consumption, Light-soaking gains for CIS.
– Batch mode for parametric studies: allowing to vary parameters in an EXCEL document, and get chosen simulation results of multiple runs as a table.
Improved shading calculations
– Direct shading factor calculation during the simulation (avoiding the interpolation uncertainties in the shading factor table).
– Optimization of the calculation of the shading factor, allowing calculations of big PV plants without limitation to some hundredth of trows or trackers (factor of 10 on the speed).
– Plants following the terrain, imported by Helios3D: analysis of the spread of orientations, management of the orientation average.
Detailed electrical shading losses
– Refinement of the “module layout” part, which allows to define the position of each PV module on the areas (“tables”) defined in the 3D shading tool.
– Modules arrangement in portrait or landscape, sub-modules in length or width within each module.
– Attribution of each module to a given string and inverter.
– Detailed calculation of the I/V characteristics under partial shadings in each Inverter input, either as pedagogic plot, and during the simulation for the determination of the “electrical losses” due to the shading mismatch.
New Project management and simulation process
– New Project management Dashboard, with direct access to all parameters, simulation and results in a single dialog.
– Improved project management: copy, saving, transfers of calculation versions from projects to projects, copy of full projects.
– Losses: new organization of the loss diagram. New losses like LID, System unavailability, Inverter auxiliary or night consumption, Light-soaking gains for CIS.
– Batch mode for parametric studies: allowing to vary parameters in an EXCEL document, and get chosen simulation results of multiple runs as a table.
PV modules
– Tools for specifiying low-light performances, and adjustment of the Rserie parameter accordingly. Low-light efficiencies may be included in the parameters in the database.
– Modification of the default values for Gamma, when Rseries is not explicitely defined by the manufacturer, giving significant higher yields of 2-3%.
– Import of a measured I/V curve for the establishment of the model’s parameters. – Sandia model implementation, and comparison with the one-diode model.
– New parameters: IAM profile in the module’s parameters, Vmax(UL) for use in US, full tolerance definition, LID for crystalline and Light-soaking for CIS.
– Easy choice of modules by manufacturers.
– Multi-MPPT with unbalanced inputs
– define main and secondary inputs.
– Additional parameters: transformer specification, CEC average efficiency for US, auxiliary and night losses.
– Easy choice of inverters by manufacturers.
Software Installation and Background
– New file organization, with clear distinction between internal database and custom files.
– New data management, easy copy of the the full custom data set from previous installations, no problems of Administration rights anymore.
– Certified installing package by PVsyst SA, registered in Windows.
– Easy automatic updates.
– New protection management