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Kemena development project


In collaboration with local officials, PVsyst SA has initiated a project to build a welcome centre for the benefit of the rural community. Kémèna is located in Burkina Faso in the region of Mouhoun.
This village of 4,000 inhabitants is remote and deprived of any electrical network, its accessibility is restricted during the rainy season.

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Danielle Jourdan
Project manager

Purpose of the project

  • To improve the functioning knowledge of an autonomous PV system in rural Sahelian areas
  • To provide a well-equipped and lighted gathering place for numerous evening activities: Meetings, school tutoring, training
  • To promote access and the rational use of photovoltaic energy in rural areas
  • To promote the ancestral building techniques of Nubian vaults (earth constructions).

The project took place along 3 axes:

1.  Building axis


  • To favour the use of locally sourced materials that also respect the environment, such as banco and laterite stone;
  • To minimise the use of materials such as concrete;
  • To build a compost latrine with an easy-to-empty pit system.

The architectural framework:

  • A set of two double arches connected by a canopy.
  • The double arch incorporates a structural system of four pillars with a reinforced concrete beam.
  • Washing facilities: latrines, showers, hand washing station.

Poster “La technique de voûte nubienne”

2.  Energy axis


  • To acquire data on the operation of an autonomous system.
  • To study the effects of cooling batteries in order to improve their duration.
  • To adapt energy solutions to the identified needs of a building’s operation.
  • To promote an effective room temperature control through ventilation.

Composition of the system:

  • 16 panels of 235 Watts / 60 cells, including 15 in series, and 1 independent panel to power a refrigerator with direct solar energy.
  • Battery energy storage (24 units of 2 Volts)
  • Inverter, Regulator.
  • A measuring station for a detailed long-term operation analysis.

Poster “Nos observations”

3.  Social focus


  • To offer children after school tutoring sessions and fun activities.
  • To welcome adults to literacy classes and practical information sessions.
  • To provide a lighted awning for members of the community for them to gather in the evenings.
  • To provide paid electric services (eg charging batteries, charging mobile phones, etc.)
  • To teach Kémèna inhabitants various manual skills: train masons in the Nubian vault construction techniques, the soap making process, etc…