Capacity as function of discharge rate

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Capacity as function of discharge rate

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(see also   "Batteries, general considerations")


The capacity is defined as the cumulated current (expressed in [Ah]  delivered by a fully charged battery up to its complete discharge.

This capacity is dependent on the instantaneous current value. The capacity corresponding to a discharge at constant current in 10 hours will be named  C10.

The discharge rate [hours] is the time for a full discharge.

The discharge current rate [A] is the corresponding constant current.

Lead-acid batteries

The real capacity is highly dependent on the discharging rate. A discharge in 100 hours will usually gives 30 to 35% more capacity  (C100)  as a discharge in 10 hours (C10).

Now most of the Lead-acid batteries (for example for car starting) are specified with C10.

However usual stand-alone solar systems involve rates of the order of 20 to 100 hours  (a full charge corresponding to 3-4 days of use). Therefore many manufacturers specify the nominal capacity of their batteries as C100 instead of C10 !  

In PVsyst we have adopted the convention that the nominal capacity is always C10.

Now for lead-acid batteries, all manufacturers specify a set of capacities at different rates, ranging usually between C5 and C200. These operating data are recorded in the PVsyst database as a cubic profile.

Li-Ion batteries

The capacity dependency is far lower, and rarely explicitly specified by the manufacturers.

In PVsyst we use a parametrization based on one only parameter: the Peukert coefficient, which is of the order of 1.02 for most Li-Ion batteries. This leads to a ratio of less than 5% between C100 and C10.  

Now the Li-Ion batteries are often used (and suited) for very high current rates  (car charging, grid peak-shaving, computers, etc).  Therefore the nominal capacities are often expressed as C2 or C5. There is a tool on the main page  for retrieving the corresponding C10 parameter required by PVsyst.


NB: the Peukert parametrization is perfectly applicable to the Lead-acid batteries: this corresponds to a Peukert coefficient of 1.12 to 1.13.






This tool allows to see the Capacity  as a correction factor (with respect to C10)  or the real capacity.

It is also possible to show the capacity evolution as a function of the current rate [A]