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General, system simulation

Frank Keith, Jan F. Kreider

Principles of Solar Engineering
McGraw-Hill, Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1978, ISBN 0-07-035476-6

John A. Duffie et W.-A. Beckman.

Solar Engineering of Thermal process.
John Wiley and Sons, N-Y. 2nd ed., 1991.

P. Schaub, O. Guisan, A. Mermoud.GAP/CUEPE, Université de Genève.

Etude de l'installation photovoltaïque de 7.7 kW des SIG, Rapport final.
OFEN, 3003 Bern.Juillet 1993.

P. Schaub, O. Guisan, A. Mermoud.GAP/CUEPE, Université de Genève.

Etude de l'installation photovoltaïque de 2.2 kW des TPG, Rapport final.
OFEN, 3003 Bern.Juin 1992.

A. Mermoud, O. Guisan.

Logiciels pour systèmes PV : Analyse des besoins suisses, cahier des charges et proposition de structure.
GAP/CUEPE, Université de Genève / OFEN, 3003 Bern. Octobre 1992.

A. Mermoud, O. Guisan.

Logiciels pour systèmes PV : Recensement et évaluation des logiciels de simulation photovoltaïque existants.
GAP/CUEPE, Université de Genève / OFEN, 3003 Bern. Juillet 1993.

Guidelines for Assessment of Photovoltaic Plants.

Document A : Photovoltaic System Monitoring.
Document B : Analysis and presentation of Monitoring Data.
CEC/JRC Ispra, Issue 4.1, June 1993.

Weather data and Irradiance models

R. Perez, P.Ineichen, R. Seals, J. Michalsky, R. Stewart.

Modeling Daylight Availability and Irradiance Componentfrom Direct and Global Irradiance.
Solar Energy 44, no 5, pp 271-289, 1990.

R. Perez, P. Ineichen, E.L. Maxwell, R.D. Seals, A. Zelenka :

Dynamic Global to Direct Irradiance Conversion Models.
ASHRAE Transactions, Vol 98, Part I, #3578, 1992.

P. Bremer, S. Kunz, R. Voltz.

METEONORM . Vol 1 (Théorie), Vol 2 (Données), Vol 3 (Procédures de calcul), Vol 4 (Sources de données).
Office Fédéral de l'Energie, Berne (1986).

Jan Remund, Esther Salvisberg, Stefan Kunz.

METEONORM'95 : Energie solaire et Météorologie.
Manuel du concepteur - Notions de base,et logiciel METEONORM V2.0.
MeteotestandOffice Fédéral de l'Energie, Bern(1995).
METEONORM Version 3.0 (1997)
METEONORM Version 4.0 ()
METEONORM Version 5.0 (2004)
METEONORM Version 6.0 (June 2007)

David Bloom, Sara Dagher, Stuart Frye, Qiumin Hu, Marianne Baldwin, Brett

Gouviea, John Duffy, Bill Berg. William Beckman and Ronald Stewart.
International Solar Irradiation Database, Version 1.0 (Info diskette).
University of Massachusetts, Lowell Photovoltaic program, USA

R.J. Aguiar, M. Collares-Pereira and J.P. Conde.

Simple Procedure for Generating Sequences of Daily Radiation Values Using a Library of Markov Transition Matrices.
Solar Energy Vol 40, No 3, pp 269-279, 1988.

R.J. Aguiar, M. Collares-Pereira.

TAG : a Time-dependent, Autoregressive, Gaussian Model for Generating Synthetic Hourly Radiation.
Solar Energy Vol 49, No 3, pp 167-174, 1992.

J.-L. Scartezzini, M.-N. Ferguson, F. Bochud.LESO-EPFL Lausanne.

Compression of Multi-Year Meteorological Data.
OFEN, 3003 Bern, Final Report, 1990.

B. Molineaux, P. Ineichen,

Impact of Pinatubo Aerosols on the seasonal trends of Global, Direct and Diffuse Irradiance in two Northern Mid-Latitude Sites.
Solar Energy 58, no 1-3, pp 91-101, 1996.

P. Ineichen, R. Perez,

A new airmass independent formulation for the Linke turbidity coefficient,
Solar Energy 73, no 3, pp151-157, 2002.

P. Ineichen,

A broadband simplified version of the Solis clear sky model,
Solar Energy 82, pp 758-762, 2008.

P. Ineichen,

Interannual variability and global irradiance evaluation,
2010, Research report of the Institut of the Environnemental Sciences, University of Geneva.
Available on

P. Ineichen,

Five satellite products deriving beam and global irradiance validation on data from 23 ground stations (IEA).
2011, Research report of the Institut of the Environnemental Sciences, University of Geneva.
Available on

P. Ineichen,

Global irradiance on tilted and oriented planes: model validations,
2011,Research report of the Institut of the Environnemental Sciences, University of Geneva.
Available on

P. Ineichen,

Global irradiation: average and typical year, and year to year annual variability,
2011, Research report of the Institut of the Environnemental Sciences, University of Geneva.
Available on

PV module modeling

David L. King, William E. Boyson, Jay A. Kratochvil

Sandia Model- Photovoltaic Array Performance Model
SAND2004-3535 report, Unlimited Release, August 2004
Sandia National Laboratories, Photovoltaic System R&D Department
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-0752

Available on

System modeling and simulation results

D. Thevenard, A. Driesse, S. Pelland, D. Turcotte, Y. Poissant.

Uncertainty in Long-term Photovoltaic Yield Predictions(52 pages)
CanmetENERGY, Report 2010-122 (RP-TEC), Varennes, Canada

T. Dierauf, A. Growitz (Sunpower Corp.), S. Kurtz (NREL), J.-L. Becerra Cruz (Fichtner), E. Riley (Black & Veatch), C. Hansen (Sandia National Laboratories)

Weather Corrected Performance Ratio
Technical ReportNREL/TP-5200-57991, April 2013


A. Kimber, L. Mitchell, S. Nogradi, H. Wenger

The effect of soiling on large grid-connected photovoltaic systems in California and the Southwest regions of the US
4th IEEE World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Hawaii, 2006

A. Kimber

The effect of soiling on Photovoltaic Systems located in arid climates.
22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference,

H. Häberlin, J.-D. Graf

Gradual Reduction of PV Generator Yield due to Pollution
2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Vienna, 1998

T.U. Townsend, P.A. Hutchinson

Soiling Analyses at PVUSA

M. Vivar, R.Herrero, F. Martinez-Moreno, I. Anton, G. Sala

Effect of Soiling in PV concentrators: mechanisms of light dispersion and real field performance of soiled flat modules and CPVs.
23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Valencia (Spain), 2008

PV modules behavior and modeling

J.A. Roger and C. Maguin

Photovoltaic Solar Panels Simulation Including Dynamical Thermal Effects.
Solar Energy (29)245-256, 1982.

M. Camani, D. Chianese, S. Rezzonico

Centrale di Prova per componenti PV. TISO, c/o STS, CH-6952, Canobbio.
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M. Camani, N. Cereghetti, D. Chianese, S. Rezzonico

DB TISO, PV modules:
A) Database permanently updated, about 830 modules referenced (1998), available from internet on the site below.
B) Booklet no 3, november 1998, extract.
Scuola Universitaria professionale,
6952 Canobbio – Switzerland.
Tel +41 91940 47 78-Fax+41 91942 88 65

LID losses - A call for Quality: Power loss from crystalline module degradation cause a big headache in the industry

Photon International March 2008

Thin film PV modules behaviour and modelling

R. Gottschalg, M. Rommel, D.G. Infield, M.J. Kearney.

Test of parametric models for amorphous silicon modules and cells.
2nd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Vienna, 1998.

J. Mertens, J. M. Asensi, C. Voz, A. V. Shah, R. Platz, J. Andreu.

Improved equivalent circuit and Analytical Model for Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells and Modules.
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol 45, No 2, Feb 1998.

M.J. Holley, R. Gottschalg, A.D. Simmons, D.G. Infield, M.J. Kearney.

Modelling the performance of a-Si PV systems.
16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Glasgow, May 2000.

J. Mertens, J.M. Asensi, C. Voz, J. Andreu.

Assessing the outdoor performance of single junction and double junction amorphous silicon solar modules.
16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Glasgow, May 2000.

T.R. Betts, R. Gottschalg, D.G. Infield.

Spectral Irradiance Correction fo PV system Yield Calculations.
19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris, June 2004.

H.Al Buflasa, T.R. Betts, R. Gottschalg, D.G. Infield.

Modelling the Effects of Spectral Variations on the performance of Amorphous Silicon Solar Cells.
19th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Paris, June 2004.

A. Mermoud

Conception et Dimensionnement de Systèmes Photovoltaïques: Introduction des modules PV en couche minces dans le logiciel PVsyst.
Projet SIG-NER, Rapport Final - (Mai 2005, in French).
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A. Mermoud, T. Lejeune,

Performance assessment of a simulation model for PV modules of any available technology
Poster paper presented at the25-th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), Valencia, Spain, 6-10 september 2010
Available on


A. Mermoud, T. Lejeune,

Partial shadings on PV arrays: by-pass diode benefits analysis", Mermoud, A. & Lejeune, T., 2010,
Poster paper presented at the25-th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC), Valencia, Spain, 6-10 september 2010
Available on


H. Häberlin, H.R. Röthlisberger : Vergleichsmessungen an Photovoltaik-Wechselrichtern. Schlussbericht des BEW-Projectes EF-REN(89) 045,

OFEN/BEW, 3003, Bern, 1993.

J.M. Servant, J.C. Aguillon : Essais d'onduleurs PV raccordés au réseau EdF.

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C .M. Shepherd

Design of Primary and Secondary Cells.
and:An equation Discribing Battery Discharge.
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J.B. Copetti, F. Chenlo and E. Lorenzo :

Comparison between Charge and Discharge Battery Models and Real Data for PVApplications.
11th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Montreux, Oct 1992, pp1131-1134.

J.B. Copetti, F. Chenlo

Internal Resistance Characterization of Lead-Acid Batteries for PV Rates
11th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Montreux, Oct 1992, pp1116-1119.

Watsun-PV - User's Manual and Program Documentation

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A Systematic Effort de Define Evaluation and Performance Parameters and Criteria for Lead-acid Batteries in PV Systems.
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L. Navarte, E. Lorenzo, E. Caamaño:

PV pumping analytical design and Characteristics of Boreholes.
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J.A. Roger:

Theory of the direct coupling between DC Motors and PV solar Arrays.
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Z. Salameh, A. K. Mulpur, F. Dagher:

Two-stage Electrical Array Reconfiguration controller for PV-powered Water Pump.
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Modelling a Permanent Magnete DC Motor/Centrifugal Pump Assembly in a PV system.
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André Mermoud:

Pump behaviour modelling for use in a general PV simulation software.
19th European PVSEC, Paris, France, June 7–11, 2004.
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André Mermoud:

Pumping System Sizing and Modelling Tool.
19th European PVSEC, Paris, France, June 7-11, 2004.
Available on