Preliminary design

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Preliminary design

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It is the presizing step of a project. Its aim is to quickly define the general features of a planned PV system.

In this mode, the system yield evaluations are performed very quickly in monthly values, using only a very few general system characteristics, without specifying specific system components. A rough cost estimate of the system is also available.

The procedure is straightforward: you just go over the three buttons "Location", "System" and "Results".

First, click on "Location" button: you have to give a description of your presizing project in order to identify it after saving. The presizing projects are simple files that do not allow for several variants.

Choose a location in the database. You can obtain the location details, or even create or import a new location from Meteonorm or US TMY data, using the "open" button.

When necessary you can also define a Horizon profile.

Click on "System" button. The presizing procedure is then specific for each type of system:

Grid-connected system,

Stand-alone system,

Pumping system.