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This software is now available in several languages  (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish and Korean).

PVsyst 7.0 runs under the following Windows operating systems : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 minimum screen resolution is 1280x720 at 100% text size.


Most of the data files from PVsyst versions 6.x (projects, components, meteo) can be read with this new version 7.  But the inverse is not true (upward compatibility).

Importing Meteo Data:

-  Link for direct import from the Meteonorm software  (versions 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8).

-  Link for direct import from many popular meteo data sources from the web (including PVGIS, NREL NSRDB, Solcast, SolarAnywhere®, etc).

-  Almost any custom "Hourly Meteo" or "Measured Data" custom file can be imported, whenever it holds one data record on one text line.

Most detailed data (hourly or daily data) produced by the software can be Output to CSV customized files (compatible with any spreadsheet program).

Many Data Inputs or Output are possible through the clipboard (graphs or tables as bitmaps, tables as CSV-text images, allowing direct export to spreadsheet programs like Microsoft EXCEL).

Many input files in text format are accepted, i.e.  for measured data, hourly load profile values, horizon profiles, etc.

Troubles with version 7

Many new features have been added in this version 7.0. These motivated deep changes in the internal organization of the software. Although it has been tested in some relevant conditions, it is impossible to check all the running possibilities after each change in the program.

Therefore the early version 7.0 will probably show weaknesses in the first period. If you encounter some problem during the use, be so kind as to report them carefully to the authors.

In the same way, if you have some suggestions for improvements or adding some useful new feature, please don't hesitate to contact the authors !