<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Preliminary design economic evaluation |
Costs are given as specific costs for modules, other components, mounting, financial costs , taxes and so on.
Modules and inverter costs are dependent on the quantities.
Mounting and maintenance costs follow an exponential rule, referred to a 5 kWp system, with an exponential coefficient of 0.8:
Cost = (Pnom / 5 kWp)**0.8 * Basecost (for 5kWp).
These hypothetic default financial parameters can be adjusted by the user by choosing "Edit costs" in the economic results sheet.
Please be aware that at this pre-design stage, costs are based on rough hypothesis. They can widely vary from country to country, from time to time or from user to user (what costs are included here? customer or retailer costs? which interventions on the building? designer fees? taxes? … etc).
The economic evaluation at the detailed simulation stage will offer a flexible and more precise tool for evaluating real costs according to the specific user's criteria.